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Monday, August 6, 2012

Ten Days Since Surgery - all is going well


Well, it appears it has been a few days since my last post.  I am still doing the pureed foods of course and will be for another 3-4 weeks.  I am finding that I struggle to get all the meals and snacks with my fluids in each day.  It's tough.  Spacing out a 1/2 hour at least between eating and drinking makes everything so timed and sometimes we don't want to feel like we're on a schedule, but really I am.  My daily meals have become: Breakfast - Oatmeal with sugar-free syrup and sugar-free/seedless blackberry jam
Mid-morning snack - if i get around to it usually is a popsicle, sometimes a protein shake
Lunch - Re-fried Beans 4 oz, or 2 oz of re-fried beans and 2 oz. of apple sauce
Mid-afternoon snack - once again either a popsicle or a protein shake. I seem to do this one as I get hungrier between lunch and dinner.
Dinner - Egg, a whole one if I can eat it.  Sometimes I do the egg for breakfast and mix all these dishes around.  Most times its egg for lunch and re-fried beans for dinner.
Late evening snack - if I get around to it, again a popsicle or a protein shake

I have been holding steady at 25lbs loss for a few days now (up and down a pound, kind of annoying).  I am a bit frustrated as I barely eat anything and my body is fighting me at the moment.  I know once I start any physical exercise that will make a difference.  I have been scared to lately though, I have had to contend with a pulled muscle on my left side rib-cage and I don't want to re-jar it again.  I find when I start doing chores around the house, about 5-10mins into it my stomach tightens like I've done a 1000 sit ups.  That's usually when I stop.  I am still not lifting anything and can't really for another 4 weeks.

I do have a doctor's appt in two days and will find it interesting to see how I've progressed in his eyes.  It'll be nearly two weeks since I had seen him last.

I am trying to keep myself busy as I am not one to just sit around and do nothing.  Between tending my small business at home, facebook, blogging, reading, watching the Olympics, and writing in my journal my days seem to go quite fast.  Reading has been hard on me, holding a book for long periods of time seems to be a challenge.  Even if I lay down to read, finding a comfortable position can be a struggle as my side begins to hurt and I am paranoid of straining my incisions on my stomach.

However, all things considered I am 25lbs less than I was when I started the two pre-op diet and since the surgery and that should make me happy.  It's nice to know that I am on my way!

Until next time...Thanks for visiting!

Here's an inspirational quote I like: 
"The virtue lies in the struggle, not in the prize." by Richard Monckton Milnes.

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