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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This really works!!! Smiles all day today:)

Well, today after so many days of waiting for the scale to drop like it did when I got home from the surgery it finally dropped nicely.  Now I am down a total of 32.6lbs since I started this process.  Tomorrow will mark my three week anniversary of the surgery.  I am totally content and have adjusted to this pureed diet well.  Not every day can I eat everything and not everyday do I feel I've eaten enough, but all in all I have done remarkably well without bad cravings and feeling sorry for myself.

One thing I did to get myself through this is make meals for my husband for when he gets home from work.  It forces me to face food that I cannot eat on a daily basis and the more I don't eat it the easier it gets.  I've gone to a movie and survived people eating that wonderful popcorn all around me.  By the end of the movie that smell, I was sick of it and wanted to nothing to do with it.  Sense of smell is a powerful tool and can be all a person needs to get the craving somewhat cured.  The pinto re-fried beans at Taco Bell are quite good too.  I longed for the Nachos my hubby had, but it wasn't long before the fullness returned to my stomach and I wasn't interested in thinking about eating anymore.

My next hurdle is to get the stamina level back up and be able to walk without any pain.  It's amazing how out of shape one can become recovering from surgery.  Last week I had little to no pain, now this week I can barely finish a walk with the excruciating pain in my upper back.  Either this is really good, or it's a setback.  I am too afraid to call the doctor, I'm just gonna suck it up.

I am hoping to go back to work next week, but I"m afraid it may be half-time for at least the first part of the week.  If this pain doesn't go away and if I don't up my stamina I won't be able to hack a full day at work yet.  I'll take it one day at a time, and if I'm not ready that's what it is.

I will keep posting as often as I can.  I really want people to get a good feel for what to expect when you get this surgery.  For me, there was a lot of things other people told me about it, but it's not like going through it yourself.  You really realize how drastic the decision you made was and embrace the loss once it begins.  I wished I didn't have to do this but it was really time to do something before things really started to happen that I could not back away from.  My line I used a lot was, "Oh, I'm still young I have plenty of time".  Truth is if you want to live a long healthy life you need to take care of yourself, the sooner the better.  I also want to grow old without a ton of health conditions that can prevent me from really enjoying life.  I want to be able to swim in the ocean with the dolphins again, zip-line across the rain forests, hike the Swiss Alps, or even wear a bikini for the first time in my life, publicly!  I know it won't be the answers to everything, but being healthy and fit will be far more easier to tackle life than the extra weight, high blood pressure, possibly diabetes and heart issues that can develop after a lifetime of abuse to your body.

Do yourself a favor, write a list of things you'd like to do...don't think about what you can do now but things you really want to do.  Look at the list and see how many of those things you can do now.  Take that list and map out your health and fitness to get you there.   What a sense of accomplishment once you get there!  Life is really short and it should be lived doing everything possible to get the most out of it.

I have a new lease on life and couldn't be more happier.  This is really just the beginning.  The joys of what will come down the road are waiting for me.  I can't wait!

Here is a good quote:
"No Matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of anyone who isn't trying"  
- Tony Robbins

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