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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back to work- great one week, not so much next...

I went back to work a week ago, and the first week felt fine.  I was getting back my stamina and was working up to a big event on Saturday.  Unfortunately, I think I overdid it and did not drink much on Saturday as I got too busy and probably only drank about 8oz. of fluids all day.  By Sunday I was feeling a touch of nausea.  Monday at work, I was struggling, but I had so much to do I felt like I need to push through it all.

Then today, even after a great night's sleep, I woke up proceeded to get dressed and ready for work and as I was walking out the door I felt the nausea come back again.  I decided to try and tough it out again, but by mid-afternoon I no longer could stop thinking about it.  I just came home at that point.  I got onto the forums that I usually frequent on obesityhelp.com and found someone going through the same thing but on a much grander scale to where she had to go to the E.R.. It appears I may have a touch of dehydration.  I am not surprised because lately the plain water is just not going down too well.  I've tried herbal tea and other liquids, but it just isn't getting me back on track.  So, tonight is my goal to just keep drinking fluids until I go to bed.  Perhaps this will be the answer.  

I have always had a tough time drinking enough and eating enough at work.  This has been a bad habit of mind for years and it'll be more important now to make sure it doesn't continue.  Typically, before I got the surgery, I may eat lunch some days, or I would not.  Most often I would come home so hungry and just start eating even before my dinner was ready.  I would eat at night and then go to bed.  That was one of my worst problems.  Now, I am still forgetting as the day goes by to continually drink whatever is on my desk.  I try to eat, but with this nauseous feeling I'm not hungry.  At least at the moment, as I write this, I am drinking a 16oz. Crystal Light.  I am hoping this will help, and when I did get home I had a sugar-free popsicle.  As much as I don't feel like having anything I know this is important.

Funny, five weeks after surgery and this is when I start to not feel good.  I was looking forward to my doctor's appointment next week so I could move up to soft foods.  I sure hope I can stave off the hospital visit, if necessary I may have to stay home tomorrow and just rest up and drink more fluids around the clock.  This is not fun!

For what's its worth, I did call the doctor's office and the nurse did tell me this was normal around where I"m at in recovery.  I guess its my body trying to adjust and figure out what the heck is going on.  As I sit here now, I realize that it won't be all smooth sailing.  There will be times where I won't be perfect and I'll have to be okay with that.  I am grateful that I have a great job and they are completely understanding.

Until next time....hopefully I'll be much better:)

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