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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Less than one week to go before surgery

Here I am, six days away from surgery.  Now I am starting to super excited and motivated.  This 30g/day of carbs, it's really working!  Although, they advised me that this should not be a permanent diet.  I am down right now about a total of 8lbs since starting this round.  I was a bit discouraged the first few days because I lost 4lbs and it wouldn't drop.  I figured well, of course not you can enjoy eating all these meats, cheeses, nuts, and all the other protein enriched foods without the carbs.  Apparently so!

It's hard though, I love my sweets and giving them up entirely has been a tough one.  I "cheat" with sugar free jello with light cool whip to fend off the sweet cravings, which amazingly aren't that bad.  My other "cheat" is having my coffee with some french vanilla creamer.  Both of which have no more than 3g of carbs per serving, so I still win.

As I lead up to my surgery, now I am just trying to get into the mindset.  I have no idea what to expect, although the doctor did tell me this week that on day one I'll feel like I've been hit by a truck.  The second day I will be pissed off.  The next week I'll be mad at myself for doing this in the first place.  Then on week two I'll weigh-in and be down 20lbs and be like, "Ok, I can do this!".  So apparently I will be in for a super roller-coaster ride of emotions.  I am so ready, to see those numbers go down on the scale and quite possible to some numbers from my younger days it is so worth it.

To not have to worry about my blood pressure, or what am I going to wear and look ok, being hungry, going out and enjoying outdoor things again.  It'll be so nice again.  That is where my mind is at the moment.  Each day I look in my closet and put on something to wear to work and be like, well when I go back to work, I won't be able to wear this again.  Those are the things that got me to this place.  I will be so happy to    empty my closet and get new fun things to wear.  When someone says, "Hey, you wanna do this hike?" I won't hesitate to think of a good excuse other than the truth, which is normally thinking to myself I will slow the group down and I might not be able to make the whole hike.  Nothing is worse than when you can't do things because you're too heavy.  The "skinny" people don't realize how much it limits you.  They see your energy and positive disposition and figure it means you can keep up.  It's not easy moving 250-300 pounds on a 5'0"-5'5" body.  I have two toes on my right foot that have separated and I know why...it's crazy.  I have bracelets and rings that I can't wear right now that frustrates me to no end.  I did not mean for this to happen!

However, I have now done something about it so I have taken the step.  That is the important part, it's recognizing that you need to get out of the madness and get back in control.  People say they don't eat much they don't understand how they gained the weight.  That is such complete and utter b.s. that it's not even funny.  You get fat because you eat! You eat the wrong things at the wrong time of day, and NO exercise.  Exercise does not include walking to the corner store and buying a pack of smokes or candy.  Exercise is get the heart rate up there and sweat for at least 20 minutes.  Right now that is not even fun to me anymore.  I have no energy or motivation to exercise and that is the truth.  You know you should, but it's easier to sit down at the computer or on the couch at this point.

Speaking of which, I need to go make my breakfast now.  The menu this morning with be none other than bacon and eggs.  I may have a coffee too!  But today I need to focus on drinking more water.  I need to do 64oz. of water a day (8 glasses, which is normal).  However, the last few days I've been only getting up to about 6.  It's not easy, especially if you get busy. And you don't want to try and drink it all at the end of the day, or you'll be up all night going to the bathroom (happened to me three times last week!).

After the surgery and your recovery period, they expect you to have 80g of protein a day and drink at least 8 glasses of water/day.  That will be hard since you cannot eat and drink at the same time.  You have to space it out 30 minutes from each other.  And, you can't eat more than a cup at a time.  This should be interesting.

Until next time....

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