Well, I have to admit I had a crummy attitude about the support groups aspect of this journey. I had been a part of Weight Watchers several times over, and have found the meeting helpful and knowledgeable but I guess my failure to be successful myself has led me to dislike anything that I felt was a part of that failure. Come to find out, no one wants to hear the truth sometimes.
As a part of the requirement with the surgeon I'm with for the Gastric Bypass, I am required to attend at least 3 support meetings in order to be eligible to clear the final hurdle to get submitted to the Insurance company. I attended one last week, which was a fiasco and did not leave me feeling motivated whatsoever. It didn't help that there were only 5 people at that meeting and the so-called post surgery example was not much of a motivator to me at all. She had her surgery two years ago, had lost 40lbs before surgery and has only managed to lose 60lbs with the Gastric Bypass. I heard her stories of "juicing" herself to 3-4,000 calories per day and other things that had given her roadblocks along the way. She talked about chewing the food but not swallowing, just spitting it out. Sorry, not a motivator for me.
However, today turned out much better. I opted to do a one hour support meeting at 12 noon today and then another one tonight with my husband and both groups were extremely motivating. The first group has about 30 people and there were also a couple of wives/husbands there for moral support with their loved ones. Alot was discussed about the topic "Meal Planning". I shared the Protein book I purchased last weekend as it has a lot of really good recipes and descriptions of how to up your protein and lower your carbs. I am seeing familiar faces at the office more and more as my visits are now in the neighborhood of 6 or so now. I can see how close-knit this family of people that go through this together. Tonight, along with my husband we both gained so much insight from some other couples that attended also. One lady had lost over 150lbs 11 years ago on the Gastric Bypass. She said she had been told then she only had a month to live and it was literally their last option. The woman sitting next to me looked nothing like that very large woman 11 years ago. She was thin, beautiful skin, happy, energetic, and truly grateful for her new lease on life. She said she doesn't even remember that woman back then anymore. She handed around her before picture to the whole group and I'm telling you it was a good one. There were even a few guys at both meetings today too. You can tell the men really don't feel comfortable being there, but they too are sick of not being able to do certain things and will do anything, even talk in a support group if they have to. One gentleman told us about how humiliating it was to have to buy two plane seats. He said what really made him mad was that the airline attendants would even have the nerve to try and give his seat away sometimes. How awful would that be?! Another lady mentioned how there are usually only 8 extenders for seatbelts on flights and that you better get one up front or else you might not get one! I know personally the last few times I've flown that I sucked it in and crammed that seatbelt and even one flight didn't fasten it because there was no way was I going to admit that I needed an extender. It just wasn't something I wanted to ask for. It would be nice, the next time I fly home to have to tighten that sucker up!
Well, I just wanted to jump on here and talk about the support groups as I hope everyone will be as lucky to have one in their areas when your time comes. As I write these postings, I want to give people all that one sees and does during this process. I'll tell you something now though, it is alot of work and I'm not even there yet! All the doctor's visits, testing, support group meetings, research, etc... in itself is a full-time job. You have to be really committed if you come this far. It's not a quick fix and it's not an easy one, they make you work for it! I keep telling myself that it'll be so worth it and I'm worth it! Time for me!!!
Yay for me!
Until next time...